Senin, 01 Maret 2010

Build a Home-Based Online Business

Owning a home-based internet business is the everyone’s dream. Countless numbers of these people all around the world are trying hard to make it comes true. They aren’t jobless, but for most people having a job means a long boring day in the office, working over-time, get stressed, etc. The daily routine of an employee is waking (too) early, walking rapidly to the station or running to catch the bus before starting the working time slightly late. What a horrible schedule!

Well, then we’ll never find that with our own home-based internet business. When you are operating an online business, all you need to do is spending many hours on your computer doing the things necessary to build your business. No boss, no target, no stress. You can even get revenues while helping your wife at the kitchen or keeping your children activities in eyes. Time freedom, that’s what you get. Then, when you earn much more revenues, you also get financial freedom.

What do you need to build your own home-based internet business? First, you should create some products to sell. ‘Create’ doesn’t mean that you must make the product yourself—even creating your own product would be much better. Just look around the neighborhood, maybe they produce something unique and marketable. Ask them for a cooperation which they produce the products exclusively for you. Give them the good price that would be increased base on their works.

To sell it online, you should have a virtual store. Build a website storing your products gallery including its price each. If you don’t know much about creating a page, pay a webmaster to create it. Don’t worry about the cost, you can fix it to your budget. There are so many choices of qualified webmasters with low rate, as easy as pointing your finger, just choose one of them and tell what do you want to then your site is done. It’s that simple.

Products and its store are ready. Now, time to think about the payment method. One thing you must realize that you wouldn’t get cash money when a visitor purchase your product. You should provide an online payment method such as e-Gold, PayPal or credit card. Both e-Gold and PayPal are the biggest trustworthy sites in online payment, but you could ignore them. The most flexible method is using credit card because you could reach more customers. PayPal requires their members to submit a credit card to access their money. So, credit card is the preferred method.

The next question is: how could you process this plastic money online and turn it into cash? Remember that the online credit card transaction has higher risk than the offline. This is because the offline transaction processed by person, swiping the customer’s card through a card swipe machine and obtaining his/her sign for the records. You’ll never get it online, so the only answer is to find the credit card processor. MS Merchant Account is the standard when it comes to credit card processor. It offers the best credit card processing in low rates. It’s also accessible to all corporations, including a home-based business like yours.

There are at least 4 points to keep in mind before choosing a credit card processor. They are the security, the accuracy, the ability to process transactions in many currencies and the acceptance using any major credit card like Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover. MS Merchant Account gives those criteria plus tax savings benefit to give more profit to its clients. This merchant also has a strong ability to handle credit card process banking from most big potential countries such as United Stated, Canada, China, Japan, South Korea, United Kingdom, European mainland, South America, Australia and even Vietnam or Philippines. It sounds good when you have a plan to grow your company worldwide—that’s the ‘online’ means. Or maybe you want to find another merchant? Go googling if so.

Last, the growth of a company is based on its promotion. The more the promotions you make, the more the revenues you’ll generate. Please note that what I mean with the word ‘the more the promotions’ isn’t only about how many promotion you make, but also how effective the promotion is. I wish U luck!

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