Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

As we all know, web hosting is an Internet service data in the form of rental scalable storage space and bandwidth on people who want to put on the website. Server providing the services of a place to store the web files and also where visitors Internet access the site. Without web hosting the website will not be accessible. For the seo reason, the high quality of web hosting is very important for our result in search engine.

In this case, many web host service providers offer to us about their quality of storage and large bandwidth. It is the simple thing may be, but without the large bandwidth we will decrease our visitor because the website with a little bandwidth is not possible to be accessed for thousand people who visiting internet everyday. It means if we choose the right web host service provider, we will make sense in our seo strategy to build our marketing in the internet, absolutely in the top of search engine result.

Make Your Keyword on Top of Search Engine


If you are webmaster who wants your website to be on top of search engine, using Search Engine Optimization service is useful. No matter your keyword, Search Engine Optimization service will help you to optimize any of your website keyword to be stranger than other website. In addition, so many SEO services on internet that is already available by offering promises about our website to be on top of search engine. For this case, we have to choose the right Search Engine Optimization service to optimize your site.

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

Cara Mencari Uang Lewat Kumpulblogger

Entah untuk yang keberapa kali Mas Kukuh dari mentransfer Rp.10.000,- ke rekening BCA saya lantaran balance saya di account PPC lokal tersebut telah mencapai payout. Sejak mengikuti program sejenis seperti Google Adsense itu 6 bulan lalu kira-kira saya hanya mendapatkan Rp. 10rb-an/bulannya, yahhh maklum lah karena hanya PPC lokal ini yang baru benar-benar mendatangkan hasil buat saya. Anggaplah 10rb-an hitung-hitung buat bayar administrasi di bank BCA saya.

SEO Untuk Pemula Bukan Sebuah Kontes?..hmm..

Tidak seperti Busby SEO Test, Latihan SEO Untuk Pemula bukanlah sebuah kontes. Dalam hal ini tidak ada hadiah, namun entah siap yang memulainya uforia ini bekembang bagi newbi dan yang sudah Jagoan SEO juga ikutan. Latihan SEO untuk pemula digunakan sebagai ajang Belajar SEO. Ternyata Pelajaran SEO ini cukup membuat pusing juga, karena jarang seo optimization blog indo-trans ini berada di urutan sangat jauh di search engine.

Sampai sekarang saya belum paham benar dengan Google SEO ini, karena teknik SEO saya menggunakan cara try and error. Penasaran juga ingin tau Rahasia dibalik SEO agar bisa meduduki urutan pertama di mesin pencari. Sebenarnya seo tools apa yang digunakan? masa saya harus menyewa seo consultant dan seo specialist atawa seo expert? ya gak mungkin lah!!! Ini kan cuma ajang Latihan SEO untuk pemula seperti saya.

Ebook SEO Gratis dari Tim Google

Ebook SEO GratisSaya memang bukanlah pakar SEO (Search Engine Optimization), karena itulah blog ini tidak pernah membahas SEO. Tapi tidak ada salahnya jika saya mencoba berbagi ebook gratis tentang SEO (buatan tim Google!). Link kedua ebook tentang SEO berikut ini saya ambil langsung dari Official Google Webmaster Central Blog. Saya yakin sudah banyak yang memilikinya, tapi bagi yang belum memilikinya dan ingin belajar tentang SEO (terutama buat para pemula), saya persilakan men-download gratis melalui link di bawah ini:

Cara Melatih dan Belajar Ketajaman "Sense of Business Online"

Akhir-akhir ini saya sering ber-chatting ria dengan beberapa teman yang masuk lewat blog saya ini. Obrolannyapun beragam, mulai cara nge-blog, tips-tips, maupun trik untuk mendapatkan dollar dari bisnis internet.

Cara Membuat Kotak Komentar Dibawah Posting

Kalo di Wordpress, untuk memberi komentar pada posting… kita sudah dimudahkan dengan kotak komentar dibawah posting. Tetapi di Blogger tidak demikian, kita harus menambahkan sendiri kotak komentar tersebut.
Setelah searching di Google, ternyata menambahkan kotak komentar di bawah posting cukup mudah. Tapi ingat..!!! untuk lebih amannya, lebih baik anda download dulu template anda. OK! kita mulai.
windows vs linux
Didasari keinginan kuat untuk mengamankan penghasilan eh.. blog, maka saya beranikan diri untuk mencoba linux sebagai Operating System di x-black. (padahal x-black itu salah satu windows yang dioprek hingga ringan jalannya, tapi gak pa pa, saya cukup senang aja dengan namanya).
Sebagai langkah awal, saya menggunakan sistem dual boot yaitu windows 7 (yang katanya lebih aman) dengan mandriva linux, program bawaan dari x-black yang telah di remastering. Sebenarnya yang saya

Cara Memilih Tema Untuk Sebuah Blog

Sebenarnya bagaimana cara memilih tema untuk sebuah blog? Tema seperti apa yang sangat disukai pengunjung, sehingga mereka rela berlama-lama di blog kita? Apakah dengan melakukan penelitian dulu atau hanya sekedar menulis apa yang kita suka? Hmm.. sepertinya tidak semua orang mampu untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang ini.

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

Cara Ngumpulin Prospek alias Leads

Bagi seorang penjual atau bahasa kerennya marketer,”prospek” atau “leads” atau “calon customer” adalah harta yang sangat berarti ,saking pentingnya banyak marketer memberi ungkapan “money is in your list” duit itu ada di dalam listmu (daftar prospek).
Maka tak heran banyak perusahaan besar yang rela mengeluarkan ratusan ribu dollar untuk mendatangkan lead,atau membayar untuk setiap lead dengan nilai yang lumayan bagi seorang “traffic broker” atau broker lead.Dengan memiliki ribuan lead dalam data base autoresponder anda,maka anda akan bisa melakukan penawaran produk secara berkelanjutan kepada para calon pelanggan maupun pelanggan anda,dan tentu saja konversi terjadi nya sales yang cukup besar adalah harapan kita sebagai marketer.
Apakah anda tahu apa alasan utama kebanyakan orang gagal untuk bisa menghasilkan uang secara online?
Alasan utama adalah : KEBIMBANGAN !
Mereka tidak dapat memutuskan apakah internet marketing itu tepat untuk mereka.Mereka mendapatkan informasi yang campur aduk dan dari  berbagai sumber,misalnya :
“Anda dapat menghasilkan profit jutaan di bursa saham”
“Anda dapat mencapai kebebasan financial dengan mengikuti MLM.”
“Tidak,saya kira saya harus menjadi seorang pengusaha konvensional,kuat dan ulet, dan internet marketing bukan merupakan karir yang bagus!”
Salah satu rahasia keberhasilan adalah Ketika anda membuat sebuah keputusan,segalanya akan menempati posisinya .Ok,mari kita melakukan perbandingan sedikit antara Internet Marketing dan Stock Trading (Jual Beli Saham),dengan Multi Level Marketing (MLM) maupun dengan  bisnis offline.

Affiliate Amazon Bisa Menghasilkan?

Ada beberapa hal yang penting digarisbawahi disini, dalam optimalisasi web amazon:
  1. Riset keyword
    Ini adalah faktor terpenting dalam keberhasilan web affiliate amazon. Percuma saja web dioptimalisasi, kalau ternyata pasar tidak/sedikit membutuhkan produk tersebut. Juga persaingan dengan web2 lain, otomatis perlu kita cari produk yg benar2 niche tapi banyak yang membutuhkan.

Cara dan Penerapan Tranksaksi di Internet

Dengan semakin pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi, orang semakin mudah melakukan banyak aktifitas lewat falisitas internet, termasuk dalam melakukan transaksi keuangan, belanja online (online shopping), atau bahkan menerima transfer dana.
Kita lihat aja, dari hari kehari jasa perbankan Indonesia mulai berbenah dengan menyediakan fasilitas internet banking bagi para nasabah nya. Mulai internet banking BCA, Mandiri, BNI, HSBC dan pasti akan menyusul bank-bank lainnya..

SEO update : Making Money With Article Marketing..

Judul diatas sengaja niru banget ama news letter dari seorang Affiliate Marketer Dunia,karena isinya pun sama,cuman sudah aku tulis versi Indonesia,berikut ringkasannya (ini sekaligus melanjutkan edisi ayoo ngeblog…posting sebelumnya)Mendatangkan Dollar dari Internet Marketing,yang utama adalah bagaimana medatangkan traffic,apapun cara kita untuk mengais dollarmelalui profram affiliate entah itu ppc,pps atau ppl semua bergantung pada traffic pengunjung.Ibaratnya sekalipun punya toko 100 biji kalo tidak ada pengunjung sama aja boong,mana ada yang beli dan ujungnya nggak bakal dapat duit,sekalipun toko nya sudah amat mewah dan megah.

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

SEO Cheat Sheet: Anatomy of A URL

Many SEO topics are like good games - you can learn the basics in a few hours, but really mastering them can take years. One topic that seems simple but that generates a ton of questions here on SEOmoz is URLs: How to construct them, how to optimize them, what the pieces are, etc. In the spirit of great SEOmoz cheat sheets like Danny's web developer cheat sheet, I've decided to put together a 1-page guide to all things URL. You can click on the image below for a larger image or download the PDF (105KB).

The guide is broken up into two sections: (1) "SEO-friendly URL", showing a modern URL and it's parts, and (2) "Old Dynamic URL", showing a classic, dynamic URL with CGI parameters. Both sections contain useful tips and stats about URLs and their optimization (based on SEOmoz research).

Best Practices for SEO & User Experience

Why is Pagination an SEO Issue?

Pagination, the practice of segmenting links to content on multiple pages, affects two critical elements of search engine accessibility.
  • Crawl Depth: Best practices demand that the search engine spiders reach content-rich pages in as few "clicks" as possible (turns out, users like this, too). This also impacts calculations like Google's PageRank (or Bing's StaticRank), which determine the raw popularity of a URL and are an element of the overall algorithmic ranking system.
  • Duplicate Content: Search engines take duplication very seriously and attempt to show only a single URL that contains any given piece of content. When pagination is implemented improperly, it can cause duplicate content problems, both for individual articles and the landing pages that allow browsing access to them.

13 Cara Mendulang Uang Dengan Blog Berbahasa Indonesia

Ada banyak cara mendapatkan uang melalui aktivitas blogging. Tentu saja dengan cara yang halal dan benar.
Ya, Anda bisa mendapatkan uang (baik dollar ataupun rupiah) dengan blog berbahasa Indonesia.
1. Menampilkan Iklan PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Domestik
Saat ini setidaknya sudah ada 3 pelaku bisnis PPC domestik di Indonesia, yaitu,,, PPCIndo,  Dengan menjadi publisher program-program PPC domestik, Anda bisa menampilkan iklan berbahasa Indonesia dan mendapatkan komisi (tentu dalam rupiah) jika iklan tersebut di-klik oleh pengunjung blog Anda. Anda bisa menggunakan link-link diatas jika ingin mendaftar program-program PPC domestik tersebut.

Senin, 01 Maret 2010

Optimize Search Engine Rankings with Scottsdale SEO Agency

SEO Services
Scottsdale SEO Agency offers professional SEO and SEM services to help draw potential customers to your business by promoting common search terms that satisfy the goals needed by your business or being, assisting your rank and positioning within search engine results pages.
Specifically, Scottsdale SEO Agency follows a 7-step process to optimize your website and improve search engine rankings. Keyword and competitor analysis is performed to determine what terms will draw the most visitors to your website. On-site and off-site optimization are performed to ensure optimal keywords are utilized in order to establish contextual relevancy of the website and build quality external links, respectively. Finally, Scottsdale SEO goes the extra mile in tracking results through detailed reporting and monitoring in order to account for any weaknesses and ensure top results position.

What Factors Influence Search Engine Traffic?

I’m a stats fanatic — I track my Google Analytics stats (among various others) constantly. Ever since starting my blog, I’ve noticed that my search engine traffic has gradually increased over time. Considering that I’ve read about how “content is king” on so many occasions, I started thinking about how the amount of content on my blog relates to the amount of organic traffic I receive. After a bit of time-consuming effort, I found the following trend between the number of blog posts and daily average search engine visitors.

Site Content Analyzer 3

Site Content Analyzer 3 offers a simple means for determining key site-level and page-level details relevant to SEO, namely keyword density, keyword weight, and keyword distribution.
How Site Content Analyzer 3 Works
The first step in creating a project in Site Content Analyzer 3 is to import a local or remote website. The local option would undoubtedly prove to be a suitable option to a website developer such as myself who is interested in optimizing prior to a public launch. However, since I wanted to analyze this blog, I simply selected “remote” and entered the blog’s URL.
Site Content Analyzer 3 allows you to select how thorough you would like to be in analyzing your website by accepting a “link depth” value. The default value of 0 will cause the program to inspect only the homepage, while a value of 1 will cause the program to follow any links from the homepage and stop there. Since my individual blog posts require at least two clicks (one to the category, monthly archive, or sitemap, then one to the post itself), I decided to enter a value of “2″ to ensure a detailed analysis.
Another great feature of the program is that it allows you to select how many concurrent requests can be made to your Web server. This allows for throttling such that the server is not overwhelmed, thereby preventing any stress and resultant slow loading for your visitors.

Make Money from Your Blog with Amazon Associates

What is Amazon Associates?
Amazon Associates is an affiliate program that has offered for many years, dating back nearly to the company’s inception. The program provides publishers the opportunity to display details for products in many formats (product images, text links, banners, etc.) with special links used for tracking purchases and properly crediting affiliates.
What are the benefits of using Amazon Associates? has a wide variety of products, ranging from books and CD’s to clothing and computers. Because of the many options available, publishers of widely varying niches are able to find relevant products for linking to as an affiliate.
Furthermore, is well-known and well-established. Most Internet users have at least heard of the company even if they have not previously completed a purchase through Amazon’s website. As such, there is more of a tendency to entrust one’s business with the company.

Make Money from Your Blog with ClickBank

What is ClickBank?
ClickBank has become a very popular marketing program for publishers and affiliates alike. Because most of the products found on ClickBank are electronic (such as e-books), the commission rates are often as high as 50-75%! This is very exciting as an affiliate marketer, which truly drives the promotion and sales through this site.
What are the benefits of using ClickBank?
Because a large proportion of ClickBank’s products offered for affiliates in their marketplace tend to be electronic, and because e-books and similar electronic products are simpler to produce than physical goods, there are often new products available for promotion.  This means there are always new opportunities for additional revenue.
Additionally, ClickBank is very popular due to its high commission rates, often between 50-75%. The reason that the rates are often so high is due to the lack of costs required in producing electronic products compared to physical goods.
Finally, just about anyone is accepted into the ClickBank affiliate program.

AuctionAds Introduces New Ad Formats

MediaWhiz has started making some changes visible to the public eye since its acquisition of AuctionAds.
On top of changing the layout of the website to give it a shinier look with an updated logo, the ads are now available in a variety of new formats with a stylish look reflecting the updated website layout. The new format comes in five colors — red, orange, green, blue, and gray — and can by displayed horizontally or vertically with one to three auctions. (An example can be seen on the right.)
Despite the updated layout and MediaWhiz’s belief that this ad format will result in a higher click-through rate, there are several issues I see with the new format. For one, the new layout stands out more as an ad, going against common recommendations that the ad should blend in with the rest of the Web page.

Self-Motivation via a Reward System

I’ve had problems with seeing projects through to completion in the past. Whenever I have an idea, I tend to work on it for awhile, but I gradually lose interest or hit a road block that causes me to focus on other things in life despite my progression.
I don’t want the same thing to happen with my current efforts I’m putting forth on a Facebook application that I think has strong potential. That’s why I decided to come up with a way of motivating myself and seeing this project through.
Halo 3
I’ve been drooling over the concept of Halo 3 ever since its initial speculations and first official announcement years ago. However, I don’t have an Xbox 360 on which to play it. Tonight I purchased both the system and the game, and I made a deal with myself. I won’t allow myself to open either until my Facebook application is complete.

Keeping the User in the Know with a Loading Message

After improving my Facebook dialog code by over 99%, I decided to take it one step further. The previous improvement allowed the dialog contents to be loaded dynamically with a Mock AJAX call. However, the user was left wondering what was going on if the AJAX request had a slow or even marginal response time. I decided it was necessary to show the dialog box immediately, offering a “Loading..” message until the content arrives.

Black Book Singles: Free Online Dating Service

Black Book Singles: because the best things in life are free
For several years, I’ve wanted to create an online dating website. After starting over several times as I learned more and more about web development, I began once more last year with what would become the first public release of Black Book Singles.
Black Book Singles officially launched on July 10th. As with my original intentions, the site remains a 100% free online dating service. My intention is to generate revenue via ads, primarily through Google Adsense initially. While my choice of advertising provider may change, the method of monetizing the dating service will definitely remain the same as it grows.
To get an idea of how the basic profile layout appears, check out my dating profile, or simply take a look at the screenshot below.

Belajar Javascript lebih lanjut dengan JQuery

Membuat form dengan AJAX

Form dengan AJAXMembuat form adalah hal biasa dalam sebuah pemograman web. Dan AJAX, sebagai metode yang baru-baru ini mencuat ke permukaan, menjadikan dunia web lebih beragam dan lebih dinamis. Perlu diingat, tutorial ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP.
AJAX, bukanlah sebuah bahasa sendiri. Dia hanya sebuah metode bagaimana mengirimkan data-data yang ada di sebuah form ke server tanpa melalui proses refresh. Prosesnya sendiri dikendalikan oleh browser lewat pintu belakang. Dan sebelum adanya JQuery, AJAX adalah hal yang cukup rumit diwujudkan. Ketika JQuery muncul, AJAX cuma seujung jari kelingking. Hehe… :D

Paid Review, Another Opportunity to Make Money Online

Have you ever heard about paid review? If you’ve never heard it, maybe you just come back from moon. It’s a great deal today. Many bloggers all around the world are making bigger money than their Google AdSense’s check using this program.

Paid review is simply explained as another affiliate program between blogger and ads agent/broker. Ads agent acts as a mediator between bloggers and advertisers. The money circle in this program is quite simple. Advertiser pays ads agent to buy some blog posts reviewing their products or services, than ads agent asks bloggers in their membership to write the review. When the review has been posted, bloggers will get paid.
There are so many sites offering this program (you could see it more detailed on my blog). Each site has different rules and requirements to accept a blog. But, as they need as many blogger as they can attract to join, most of these sites even accept PR 0 blogs. Of course, the higher the PR your blog has, the higher money you’ll earn and more jobs coming to you. One or two site(s) has strong requirements and can only accepting PR 1+ blogs and/or having their own domain name.

How to Easily Increase Blog Traffic?

I'm sure you'll agree with me if I say that increasing traffic is the way to increase our AdSense earning. The mMore traffics means the more chances to get bigger earning . The problem is, how to increase traffic?

'Old crack' netters understands that the answer is to search engine optimization (SEO). SEO could be done by putting some HTML codes to web template or using a software to place a web on the top of searching result list. Is it effective? It's interesting when webmasters say s different opinion about it. SEO for most of them is very helpful, but some webmasters says the SEO contribution isn't too maximal and below 10% of their traffic increasing. Which one is the right opinion? Don't think about it. Here I'll show you another techniques to increase your traffic.

Actually, there are some other techniques that can be used to increase traffic. But before explaining more, I think 'technique' isn't the right word for it, so let me write it using the simpler one; 'way(s)'. The most interesting point is no skill or knowledge needed to apply these ways except reading and computing. So, the blogger newbie without programming skills and even the internet newcomers can do it in a second after completely reading this article. What's that?

Build a Home-Based Online Business

Owning a home-based internet business is the everyone’s dream. Countless numbers of these people all around the world are trying hard to make it comes true. They aren’t jobless, but for most people having a job means a long boring day in the office, working over-time, get stressed, etc. The daily routine of an employee is waking (too) early, walking rapidly to the station or running to catch the bus before starting the working time slightly late. What a horrible schedule!

Well, then we’ll never find that with our own home-based internet business. When you are operating an online business, all you need to do is spending many hours on your computer doing the things necessary to build your business. No boss, no target, no stress. You can even get revenues while helping your wife at the kitchen or keeping your children activities in eyes. Time freedom, that’s what you get. Then, when you earn much more revenues, you also get financial freedom.

3Things to Keep in Mind Before Build a Website

JUST comparing each other, a web is very similar to a store. There are many stores around us. Some stores have many customers and growing up day by day. And most stores are going into bankruptcy and finally closed forever.

That different ending depends on many factors. The first one could be its location, does it located on a strategic place or not? Then, the other factor is product-storing or ‘lay-out’. A spacious store with good product-storing/lay-out gives more comfort and also convenience to their visitors. It’ll affect to the return visitors that could turn to be a loyal customer. Meanwhile, a store on the strategic location wouldn’t get any visitor by ignoring its punctuality. Location is the important thing, but excellent service is the real factor. Customer comfort is included.

What else? Product may be the next factor. I mean the kind of product; primary daily needs like rice, bread, sugar and vegetables or the supplementary products. A store selling the first one would be busier than the store displaying the second. It’s quite important to decide what kind of product to be sold when planning a store because choose a product is choose the customers. Identify your customer by choosing the right product to your store.

How about a website? I think it’s idem ditto. Location is the same point to the web specification. A website with specific contents will be easier found by netters all around the world through search engine than a general-niche website. Lay-out off course the most important factor to a website to get traffic. It includes the colors combination, text font and size or the navigation bars. And the product for a website is the quality of its content. We could find many website about online earning tips, but netters will only pay full attention to the website with high quality contents.

What are the things to keep in mind when building a website? First, theme of topic of contents. Chose a topic depend on your own hobby or something you like to do. It’s very important, especially for blogging website that should be updated periodically. Many bloggers have no idea what to write next and finally stop blogging after choosing a topic without enough knowledge about it. Most of AdSense publishers used to chose a topic base on the high paying keyword (HPK) and ignore their own ability on the topic. If you are a smart learner, just keep go on. But if you are not, just chose a topic depend on your academic background or your hobby. It’s easier to talking and writing about something we like to.

Second, what language to be used? To reach more visitors all around the world you must write in English. Try to write in English, but you don’t have to do that. If your English is not good enough, just write in your native language while learning to write in english. Please notice that the most important thing is the quality. It’ll be much better to write a simple article that could be understood by your readers than press yourself to write in English but nobody can understand what do you want to say.

Third, be focus. Don’t be hurry to build more websites at the same time. Focus yourself on one website first. When your first website grow up and well-established, you could start building the second, third or even the twentieth. Well-established means that your website has good traffic and stable. Remember that traffic is the life of a website. Without traffic, a website can do nothing but becoming an online rubbish. I’m sure you won’t spend your time to manage a website that never been visited. Am I wrong?

Kesulitan Dalam Meningkatkan Kunjungan ke Situs

Satu hal paling yang sering dilupakan oleh orang-orang yang membuat web/blog adalah adalah tujuan dasar dari membuat web/blog itu sendiri. Cobalah bertanya pada diri kita sendiri, kita bikin web/blog untuk siapa? untuk apa?
Untuk siapa? ini adalah pertanyaan pertama yang harus kita jawab sendiri, semestinya khan kita bikin blog untuk di baca orang dengan harapan orang memperoleh pengetahuan dan informasi dari apa yang kita tulis. Makanya saya sering bilang, kalo pengen web/blog visitornya banyak, buat lah sesuatu yang berguna buat orang lain, yang bisa bikin template ato themes ya bikin, bisa bikin tutorial ya bikin. Intinya adalah kita bikin web/blog untuk untuk di baca orang, kalo apa yang tulis/buat itu unik dan berkualitas maka visitor akan sering datang dan result di search engine juga akan lebih baik, jadi posting… posting… dan posting aja, orang bilang content is king !

Adsense for Search

Untuk pengguna themes wordpress the blues, hasil pencarian adsense for search bisa langsung di tampilin dihalaman kita sendiri, kalo kamu liat di file-file themes the blues, disitu aku udah siapkan sebuah file dengan nama google.php untuk template Search Page.
Login ke admin wordpress, buat sebuah halaman baru, beri title Search, pada bagian Page Template, pilih Search Page kemudian klik tombol Create New Page untuk menyelesaikan membuat halaman. Maka halaman tersebut bisa kamu akses dari
Setelah selesai membuat halaman, silahkan login ke account adsense kamu, klik tab Adsense Setup, pilih AdSense for search
Search Type: Google WebSearch
Logo type: Google Logo
Background color: White
Length of text box: 18 characters
Opening of search results page : Open results within my own site

Memasang Adsense diantara postingan di blogger

Fasilitas baru di blogger, sekarang kamu bisa masang adsense diantara postingan di blogger. Maksimal 3 ads unit yang bisa kamu tampilin dihalaman depan blog kamu.
You can now show AdSense ads inside your block of blog posts, up to 3 times on your main blog page. This should definitely improve monetization for those of you using AdSense on your blogs, as this places the ads inline with your blogs’ actual content.
Untuk memasang adsense diantara postingan, Login ke account blogger kamu, kemudian klik link layout untuk blog yang ingin kamu pasang. Pada halaman Page Element, klik link edit pada bagian Post